Miguel Coelho Fernandez has taken part in different concerts on classic, brazilian, latin-american folkore and flamenco in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.
He has worked with the Maria Ximena and Pepe Alonso company in tournee in Chile,Argentina, and Brazil. Actually he works in Italy, as soloist player and with different groups.
Currently he works on these projects (in studio and on stage):
-- TERRE DIFFERENTI - as soloist and flamenco guitarist of the world fusion band.
On April 2005 presented the new album "Cities of Dreams"
-- OTRAS TIERRAS - musical project conceived and developed by Miguel Fernandez and FABIO ARMANI for the independent world fusion label DIFFERENT LANDS ( new CD coming out )
-- JOSEPH FARGIER - as soloist guitarist of the Joseph Fargier and the Gipsy Camargue band
-- GIPSY'S LEGEND - as group leader
-- REBEL HANDS - as soloist guitarist of the band
-- RUMBA DE MAR - as guitarist of the Rumba de Mar group
-- ENSEMBLE ETHNIQUE - in studio, on the recording of the selfnamed CD
Festivals and performances
He has played his guitars at the following Festivals:
-- Festival Parasio di notte >> Imperia
-- Folkest >> Spilimbergo (Udine), in accordance with the leadership of the stages on flamenco guitar and dance.
-- IV e V Festival di Casina Zucco >> Mondovi'
-- II Festival Colori e Suoni d'Europa >> Arzignano with stages on flamenco guitar and dance.
-- Folkermesse >> Murisengo (Torino)
-- Festa Flamenca >> Modena
-- Festa in montagna >> Udine
-- Notte Flamenca >> Civezza (Imperia)
-- Fuego Flamenco >> Big Square of Locarno (Switzerland), together with the Spanish dancer Maria Elena Villar Gomez.
-- GranBailamme Mondomusic >> Corte Giarola (Parma), together with his Flamenco Group
Furthermore, he has performed at many national events, in concerts promoted by cultural institutions and associations such as:
-- Feastambiente of the League for the Environment of the Toscana Region
-- Centro F.L.O.G. >> Florence
1995 Awarded by the Town Council of Bellegra for his diffusion of the Art and Culture
1997 With his flamenco-fusion group he performs in tournee in the British Virgin Islands, Guadalupe and Republica Dominicana
1998-2000 As soloist, he performs concerts at international events such as International Medical Congress >> Region of Marche
2001-2006 Tournee in Italy , and performances at Toledo, Valencia, London, Paris, Saint Tropez, with Rumba de Mar
2002-2006 Concerts in Switzerland and Italy with his Flamenco Group.Tournee in Sicily with Gipsy's Legend
2005 He performs a flamenco guitar concert at the Acoustic Guitar International Meeting at Fortezza Firmafede (Sarzana) Italy
2007-2010 With his Flamenco Group he performs concerts in many important theatres and World Festivals in different italian region and cities such as Milan, Rome, Brescia, Bergamo, Parma, Naples, Cosenza among others.
Television and Radio broadcast
In Italy he has performed at television an radio transmissions, such as:
-- Raffella Carra' RAI UNO
-- Maurizio Costanzo show Canale 5
-- RAI UNO Mattina RAI UNO
-- Domenica In RAI UNO
In Spain he has been a special guest at the Tertulias Flamencas, radio broadcast of J.M.Castano Hervas, at Jerez.